import { Redis } from 'ioredis';

import { parseIntFromEnvValue } from './utils.js';

 * @typedef RedisConfiguration
 * @property {string|undefined} namespace
 * @property {string|undefined} url
 * @property {import('ioredis').RedisOptions} options

 * @param {NodeJS.ProcessEnv} env
 * @returns {boolean}
function hasSentinelConfiguration(env) {
  return (
    typeof env.REDIS_SENTINELS === 'string' &&
    env.REDIS_SENTINELS.length > 0 &&
    typeof env.REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER === 'string' &&
    env.REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER.length > 0

 * @param {NodeJS.ProcessEnv} env
 * @param {import('ioredis').SentinelConnectionOptions} commonOptions
 * @returns {import('ioredis').SentinelConnectionOptions}
function getSentinelConfiguration(env, commonOptions) {
  const redisDatabase = parseIntFromEnvValue(env.REDIS_DB, 0, 'REDIS_DB');
  const sentinelPort = parseIntFromEnvValue(env.REDIS_SENTINEL_PORT, 26379, 'REDIS_SENTINEL_PORT');

  const sentinels = env.REDIS_SENTINELS.split(',').map((sentinel) => {
    const [host, port] = sentinel.split(':', 2);

    /** @type {import('ioredis').SentinelAddress} */
    return {
      host: host,
      port: port ?? sentinelPort,
      // Force support for both IPv6 and IPv4, by default ioredis sets this to 4,
      // only allowing IPv4 connections:
      family: 0

  return {
    db: redisDatabase,
    username: env.REDIS_USERNAME,
    password: env.REDIS_PASSWORD,
    sentinelUsername: env.REDIS_SENTINEL_USERNAME ?? env.REDIS_USERNAME,
    sentinelPassword: env.REDIS_SENTINEL_PASSWORD ?? env.REDIS_PASSWORD,

 * @param {NodeJS.ProcessEnv} env the `process.env` value to read configuration from
 * @returns {RedisConfiguration} configuration for the Redis connection
export function configFromEnv(env) {
  const redisNamespace = env.REDIS_NAMESPACE;

  // These options apply for both REDIS_URL based connections and connections
  // using the other REDIS_* environment variables:
  const commonOptions = {
    // Force support for both IPv6 and IPv4, by default ioredis sets this to 4,
    // only allowing IPv4 connections:
    family: 0
    // Note: we don't use auto-prefixing of keys since this doesn't apply to
    // subscribe/unsubscribe which have "channel" instead of "key" arguments

  // If we receive REDIS_URL, don't continue parsing any other REDIS_*
  // environment variables:
  if (typeof env.REDIS_URL === 'string' && env.REDIS_URL.length > 0) {
    return {
      url: env.REDIS_URL,
      options: commonOptions,
      namespace: redisNamespace

  // If we have configuration for Redis Sentinel mode, prefer that:
  if (hasSentinelConfiguration(env)) {
    return {
      options: getSentinelConfiguration(env, commonOptions),
      namespace: redisNamespace

  // Finally, handle all the other REDIS_* environment variables:
  let redisPort = parseIntFromEnvValue(env.REDIS_PORT, 6379, 'REDIS_PORT');
  let redisDatabase = parseIntFromEnvValue(env.REDIS_DB, 0, 'REDIS_DB');

  /** @type {import('ioredis').RedisOptions} */
  const options = {
    host: env.REDIS_HOST ?? '',
    port: redisPort,
    db: redisDatabase,
    username: env.REDIS_USERNAME,
    password: env.REDIS_PASSWORD,

  return {
    namespace: redisNamespace

 * @param {RedisConfiguration} config
 * @param {import('pino').Logger} logger
 * @returns {Redis}
export function createClient({ url, options }, logger) {
  let client;

  if (typeof url === 'string') {
    client = new Redis(url, options);
  } else {
    client = new Redis(options);

  client.on('error', (err) => logger.error({ err }, 'Redis Client Error!'));

  return client;